
Privacy Policy

  • Last Updated June 10, 2023

Welcome to Lokalify Private Limited (Worke),(hereon referred to as Worke) Thank you for your interest on our Privacy Policy which covers our Services, our website located at, downloadable software, mobile applications (including tablet applications), and other services provided by us and on which a link to this Privacy Policy is displayed, and all other communications with individuals or companies from written or oral means, such as email, SMS or Phone (collectively, together with the Site, our “Service”).This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes the information we gather on or through the Service, how we use and disclose such information, and the steps we take to protect such information. By visiting the Site, or by purchasing or using the Service, you accept the privacy practices described in this Policy. This Policy is incorporated into, and is subject to, the Worke Terms of Service.

Whom does this apply to?
This Notice applies to:
  • Entities or individuals, including End-Users and Users, who have subscribed to our Service(s) and have agreed to the Terms (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”).
  • Individuals (“Individuals”) from whom Worke collects data as a controller as specified below.

    Customer: A customer of Worke.

    Customer Data: The personal data, reports, addresses, and other files, folders or documents in electronic form that a User of the Service stores within the Service.

    Personal Data: Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

    Public Area: The area of the Site that can be accessed both by Users and Visitors, without needing to log in.

    Restricted Area: The area of the Site that can be accessed only by Users, and where access requires logging in.

    User: An employee, agent, or representative of a client, who primarily uses the restricted areas of the Site for the purpose of accessing the Service in such capacity.

    Visitor: An individual other than a User, who uses the public area, but has no access to the restricted areas of the Site or Service.

This privacy policy explains how Worke handles your personal information and data. We value your trust, so we’ve strived to present this policy in a clear and; plain language. The policy is structured so you can quickly find answers to the questions that interest you the most.

This privacy policy applies to all the products, services and websites offered by Worke and their affiliates, except where otherwise noted. Products, services and websites are collectively referred to as the “services” in this policy. Some services have supplementary privacy statements that explain, in more detail, our specific privacy practices in relation to these services. Unless otherwise noted, all services are provided by Worke, which is based in India.

We will refer to chatbot submissions, or any other submissions as forms.

How we collect information?

We collect Personal Information you provide us from your use of the Services, from any interaction between you and us and from other sources, all as further described below


Your form data is owned by you. Additionally, Worke treats your forms as if they were private, unless you made your forms publicly available via a public link. Worke does not sell or make available your forms to anyone and does not use the form responses we collect for purposes unrelated to you or our services, except in a limited set of circumstances (e.g. Worke is compelled by a subpoena, or if you’ve given us permission to do so)

Worke safeguards respondents’ email addresses. To make it easier for you to invite people to complete your forms via email, you may upload lists of email addresses, in which case Worke acts as a mere custodian of that data. Worke doesn’t sell or make available these email addresses and we use them only as directed by you and in accordance with this policy. The same is true for any email addresses collected through your forms.

Worke holds your data securely.

Form and submission data is stored on servers located in India. Worke will process your form data on your behalf and under your instructions, including those agreed to in this privacy policy


Forms are administered by form creators. Form creators build tens of thousands of forms each day using our services. Worke hosts the forms on our websites and collects the responses that you submit to the form creator. If you have any questions about a form you are taking, please contact the form creator directly as Worke is not responsible for the content of that form or your responses to it. The form creator is generally the same person that invited you to complete the form and sometimes this individual, company or organization has its own privacy policy

Are your responses anonymous? This depends on how the form creator has configured the form. Contact this individual, company or organization to learn more.

Worke does not sell or make available your responses to third parties. Worke doesn’t sell or share your form responses with third party advertisers or marketers (although the form creator might, so we advise that you contact this individual, company or organization to learn more). Worke merely acts as a custodian on behalf of the form creator who controls your data, except as further described in this privacy policy with regard to public forms

Form and submission data is stored on servers located in India. Worke will process your form data on your behalf and under your instructions, including those agreed to in this privacy policy.

If you think a form violates our terms of use or may be engaging in illegal activity, contact us to report it at

Worke is used by form creators, people who create and conduct forms online, and form respondents, people who answer those forms. The information we receive from form creators and form respondents and how we handle it is separate, so this privacy policy is segmented into two parts.

  • Privacy for Worke Creators.
  • Privacy for Worke Respondents

When you use Worke, we collect information relating to you and your use of our services from a variety of sources. These are listed below. The sections following describe how Worke uses this information. Information we collect directly from you

Registration information You need to register for a Worke account before you can create forms on Worke. When you register for an account, we collect your username, password and email address.

Billing information. If you make a payment to Worke, we require that you provide your billing details, including name, address, email address and financial information corresponding to your selected method of payment (e.g. a credit card number and expiration date or a bank account number). If you provide a billing address, we will regard that as the location of the account holder. Our integrations with 3rd party payment gateways are for processing only. Worke does not store or log any sensitive cardholder data provided by you or your form users. Worke follows industry standard best practices to protect security of cardholder data during processing and transmission. We are certified PCI DSS. For more information get in touch with our team through

Account settings. You can set various preferences and personal details on pages, such as your account settings page. For example, your default language, time zone and communication preferences (e.g. opting in or out of receiving marketing emails from Worke).

Other data you intentionally share. We may collect your personal information or data if you submit it to us in other contexts. For example, if you provide us with a testimonial, or participate in a Worke contest.

Form data. We store your form data (questions and responses) for you. We don’t share or use your respondents’ email addresses. Worke will not contact your form respondents or individuals in your Address Book except at your direction. Worke will not sell or make available these email addresses to any third parties

Information Worke collects about you indirectly or passively when you interact with us.

Usage data. Worke collects usage data about you whenever you interact with our services. This may include which web pages you visit, what you click on, when you performed those actions, and so on. Additionally, like most websites today, our web servers keep log files that record data each time a device accesses those servers. The log files contain data about the nature of each access, including originating IP addresses, internet service providers, the files viewed on our site (e.g., HTML pages, graphics, etc.), operating system versions, and timestamps.

Device data. Worke collects data from the device and application you use to access our services, such as your IP address, operating system version, device type, system and performance information, and browser type. We may also infer your geographic location based on your IP address.

Referral data. If you arrive at a Worke website from an external source (such as a link on another website or in an email), Worke records information about the source that referred you to us.

Information from third parties. Worke may collect your personal information or data from third parties, if you have given permission to those third parties to share your information.

Information from page tags. Worke uses third party tracking services that employ cookies and page tags to collect aggregated and anonymized data about visitors to our websites. This data includes usage and user statistics. Emails sent by Worke or by users through our services may include page tags that allow the sender to collect information about who opened those emails and clicked on links in them. We do this to allow the email sender to measure the performance of their email messaging and to learn how to improve email deliverability and open rates.

How does Worke use the information we collect?

Worke treats your form questions and responses as information that is private to you, unless you have made your form questions and responses available via a public link. Worke knows that, in many cases, you want to keep your form questions and responses (which we collectively refer to as “form data”) private. Unless you decide to share your form questions and/or responses with the public, such as by making the form questions and responses available via a public link, Worke does not use your form data other than as described in this privacy policy, or unless we have your consent. We do not sell or make available your form data to third parties without your permission.

Generally, Worke uses the information collected in connection with providing our services to you and, on your behalf, to your form respondents. For example, specific ways Worke uses this information are listed below. See the next section of this privacy policy to understand how your information is shared. However, this privacy policy is not intended to restrict our use of form questions or responses that you have chosen to make available online through a public link.

To provide you with our services.

  • This includes providing you with customer support, which requires Worke to access your information to assist you, such as with form design and creation or technical troubleshooting
  • Certain features of our services use the content of your form questions and responses and your account information in additional ways. Feature descriptions will clearly identify where this is the case. You can avoid the use of your form data in this way by simply choosing not to use such features. For example, by using our form templates feature, to add questions to your forms, you also permit us to aggregate the responses you receive to those questions with responses received by other form templates users who have used the same questions. We may then report statistics about the aggregated (and de-identified) data sent to you and other form creators
  • If you choose to link your Worke account with a third party account, such as your Google account, Worke may use the information you allow us to collect from those third parties to provide you with additional features, services, and personalized content.
  • In order to provide you with useful options to use the services together with social media and other applications, Worke may give you the option to export information to, and collect information from, third party applications and websites, including platforms such as Google and Twitter and social networking sites such as Facebook. When exporting and collecting such information, you may be disclosing your information to the individuals or organizations responsible for operating and maintaining such third party applications and sites, and your information may be accessible by others visiting or using those applications or sites. We do not own or operate the applications or websites that you connect with, and you should review the privacy policies and statements of such websites to ensure you are comfortable with the ways in which they use the information you share with them.
  • To manage our services. Worke internally uses your information, including certain form data, for the following limited purposes:
  • To monitor, maintain, and improve our services and features. Worke internally performs statistical and other analysis on information we collect, including usage data, device data, referral data, question and response data and information from page tags, to analyse and measure user behaviour and trends, to understand how people use our services, and to monitor, troubleshoot and improve our services, including to help us evaluate or devise new features. Worke may use your information for internal purposes designed to keep our services secure and operational, such as for troubleshooting and testing purposes, and for service improvement, marketing, research and development purposes.
  • To enforce our Terms of Use.
  • To prevent potentially illegal activities.
  • To screen for and prevent undesirable or abusive activity. For example, Worke has automated systems that screen content for activities such as, phishing, spam, and fraud.
  • To create new services, features or content. Worke may use your form data and form metadata (that is, data about the characteristics of a form) for our internal purposes to create and provide new services, features or content. Regarding form metadata, Worke may look at statistics like response rates, question and answer word counts, and the average number of questions in a form and publish interesting observations about these for informational or marketing purposes. When Worke does this, neither individual form creators nor form respondents will be identified or identifiable unless we have obtained their permission.
  • To facilitate account creation and the logon process. If you choose to link your Worke account to a third party account, such as your Google account, we use the information you allowed Worke to collect from those third parties to facilitate the account creation and login process.
  • To contact you about your service or account. Worke occasionally sends you communications of a transactional nature (e.g. service-related announcements, billing-related matters, changes to our services or policies, a welcome email when you first register). You are prevented from opt out of this type of communication since it is required to provide our services to you.
  • To contact you for marketing purposes. Worke will send you promotional emails only if you have consented to our contacting you for this purpose. For example, during the account registration process, Worke will ask for your permission to use your information to contact you for promotional purposes. You may opt out of these communications at any time by sending an email to
  • To respond to legal requests and prevent harm. If Worke receives a subpoena or other legal request, we may need to inspect the data held to determine the appropriate response.
With whom do we share or disclose your information?

Worke does not sell or make available your form data without your express permission.

When might Worke disclose your form data to third parties?

Only for a limited number of reasons. Worke shares your information with our service providers who help us to provide our services to you. Worke has contracts with these service providers to keep your information confidential and to use it only for the purpose of providing their services. For example, Worke uses payment processors who help us to process credit card transactions. By using our services, you authorize Worke to sub-contract in this manner on your behalf. In rare circumstances, we may share information if required by law, or in a corporate restructuring or acquisition context (see below for more details)

We denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain

Sharing your forms with the public.

You are able to control who can take your form by changing your collector settings. For example, forms can be made completely public, and indexable by search engines. You can also choose to share your form responses instantly or at a public location.

Worke recognizes that you have entrusted us with safeguarding the privacy of your information. Because that trust is very important to us, the only time Worke will disclose or share your personal information or form data with a third party is when Worke has done one of three things, in accordance with applicable law: (a) given you notice, such as in this privacy policy; (b) obtained your express consent, such as through an opt-in checkbox; or (c) de-identified or aggregated the information so that individuals or other entities cannot reasonably be identified by it. Where required by law, Worke will obtain your express consent prior to disclosing or sharing any personal information.

We may disclose:
  • Your information to our service providers. Worke uses service providers who help us to provide you with our services. Worke gives relevant persons working for some of these providers access to your information, but only to the extent necessary for them to perform their services for us. Worke also implements reasonable contractual and technical protections to ensure the confidentiality of your personal information and data is maintained, used only for the provision of their services to us, and handled in accordance with this privacy policy. Examples of service providers include payment processors, hosting services, email service providers, and web traffic analytics tools.
  • Your account details to your billing contact. If your account holder details are different from the billing contact listed for your account, Worke may disclose your identity and account details to the billing contact upon their request. Worke also will usually attempt to notify you of such requests. By using our services and agreeing to this privacy policy, you consent to this disclosure.
  • Certain features of our services use the content of your form questions and responses and your account information in additional ways. Feature descriptions will clearly identify where this is the case. You can avoid the use of your form data in this way by simply choosing not to use such features. For example, by using our form templates feature, to add questions to your forms, you also permit us to aggregate the responses you receive to those questions with responses received by other form templates users who have used the same questions. We may then report statistics about the aggregated (and de-identified) data sent to you and other form creators.
  • Your email address to your organization. If the email address under which you’ve registered your account belongs to or is controlled by an organization, Worke may disclose that email address to that organization in order to help it understand who associated with that organization uses Worke, and to assist the organization with its enterprise accounts. You are advised not to use a work email address for Worke services unless you are authorized to do so, and are therefore comfortable with this disclosure.
  • Aggregated or de-identified (anonymized) information to third parties to improve or promote Worke services. No individuals can reasonably be identified or linked to any part of the information we share with third parties to improve or promote Worke services.
  • The presence of a cookie to advertise Worke services. Worke may ask advertising networks and exchanges to display ads promoting our services on other websites. Worke may ask these networks to deliver those ads based on the presence of a cookie, but in doing so will not share any other personal information with the advertiser. Our advertising network partners may use cookies and page tags or web beacons to collect certain non-personal information about your activities on this and other websites to provide you with targeted advertising based upon your interests.
  • Your information if required or permitted by law. Worke may disclose your information as required or permitted by law, or when Worke believes that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, subpoena, or other legal process served on us.
  • Your information if there’s a change in business ownership or structure. If ownership of all or substantially all of Worke business changes, or Worke undertakes a corporate reorganization, including a merger, acquisition or consolidation or any other action or transfer between Worke entities, you expressly consent to Worke transferring your information to the new owner or successor entity so that we can continue providing our services. If required, Worke will notify the applicable data protection agency in each jurisdiction of such a transfer in accordance with the notification procedures under applicable data protection laws.
  • Information you expressly consent to be shared. For example, Worke may expressly request your permission to provide your contact details to third parties for various purposes, including to allow those third parties to contact you for marketing purposes. You may later revoke your permission, but if you wish to stop receiving communications from a third party to which we provided your information with your permission, you will need to contact that third party directly.
With whom do we share or disclose your information?

Worke does not sell or make available your form data without your express permission.

When might Worke disclose your form data to third parties?

Only for a limited number of reasons. Worke shares your information with our service providers who help us to provide our services to you. Worke has contracts with these service providers to keep your information confidential and to use it only for the purpose of providing their services. For example, Worke uses payment processors who help us to process credit card transactions. By using our services, you authorize Worke to sub-contract in this manner on your behalf. In rare circumstances, we may share information if required by law, or in a corporate restructuring or acquisition context (see below for more details).

Sharing your forms with the public.

You are able to control who can take your form by changing your collector settings. For example, forms can be made completely public, and indexable by search engines. You can also choose to share your form responses instantly or at a public location.

Worke recognizes that you have entrusted us with safeguarding the privacy of your information. Because that trust is very important to us, the only time Worke will disclose or share your personal information or form data with a third party is when Worke has done one of three things, in accordance with applicable law: (a) given you notice, such as in this privacy policy; (b) obtained your express consent, such as through an opt-in checkbox; or (c) de-identified or aggregated the information so that individuals or other entities cannot reasonably be identified by it. Where required by law, Worke will obtain your express consent prior to disclosing or sharing any personal information.

We may disclose:
  • Your information to our service providers. Worke uses service providers who help us to provide you with our services. Worke gives relevant persons working for some of these providers access to your information, but only to the extent necessary for them to perform their services for us. Worke also implements reasonable contractual and technical protections to ensure the confidentiality of your personal information and data is maintained, used only for the provision of their services to us, and handled in accordance with this privacy policy. Examples of service providers include payment processors, hosting services, email service providers, and web traffic analytics tools.
  • Your account details to your billing contact. If your account holder details are different from the billing contact listed for your account, Worke may disclose your identity and account details to the billing contact upon their request. Worke also will usually attempt to notify you of such requests. By using our services and agreeing to this privacy policy, you consent to this disclosure.
  • Certain features of our services use the content of your form questions and responses and your account information in additional ways. Feature descriptions will clearly identify where this is the case. You can avoid the use of your form data in this way by simply choosing not to use such features. For example, by using our form templates feature, to add questions to your forms, you also permit us to aggregate the responses you receive to those questions with responses received by other form templates users who have used the same questions. We may then report statistics about the aggregated (and de-identified) data sent to you and other form creators.
  • Your email address to your organization. If the email address under which you’ve registered your account belongs to or is controlled by an organization, Worke may disclose that email address to that organization in order to help it understand who associated with that organization uses Worke, and to assist the organization with its enterprise accounts. You are advised not to use a work email address for Worke services unless you are authorized to do so, and are therefore comfortable with this disclosure.
  • Aggregated or de-identified (anonymized) information to third parties to improve or promote Worke services. No individuals can reasonably be identified or linked to any part of the information we share with third parties to improve or promote Worke services
  • The presence of a cookie to advertise Worke services. Worke may ask advertising networks and exchanges to display ads promoting our services on other websites. Worke may ask these networks to deliver those ads based on the presence of a cookie, but in doing so will not share any other personal information with the advertiser. Our advertising network partners may use cookies and page tags or web beacons to collect certain non-personal information about your activities on this and other websites to provide you with targeted advertising based upon your interests.
  • Your information if required or permitted by law. Worke may disclose your information as required or permitted by law, or when Worke believes that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, subpoena, or other legal process served on us.
  • Your information if there’s a change in business ownership or structure. If ownership of all or substantially all of Worke business changes, or Worke undertakes a corporate reorganization, including a merger, acquisition or consolidation or any other action or transfer between Worke entities, you expressly consent to Worke transferring your information to the new owner or successor entity so that we can continue providing our services. If required, Worke will notify the applicable data protection agency in each jurisdiction of such a transfer in accordance with the notification procedures under applicable data protection laws.
  • Information you expressly consent to be shared. For example, Worke may expressly request your permission to provide your contact details to third parties for various purposes, including to allow those third parties to contact you for marketing purposes. You may later revoke your permission, but if you wish to stop receiving communications from a third party to which we provided your information with your permission, you will need to contact that third party directly.
What are your rights to your information?
  • Update your account details. You can update your registration and other account information on your Billing page. Information is updated immediately.
  • Access and correct your personal information. As an account holder, you may access and correct certain personal information that Worke holds about you by visiting your My Account page. Some account holders and other individuals have certain legal rights to obtain information of whether we hold personal information about them, to access personal information we hold about them, and to obtain its correction, update, amendment or deletion in appropriate circumstances. For some information, these rights may be exercised through the My Account page mentioned above, and in all cases, requests to exercise these rights may be directed to our team. These rights are subject to some exceptions, such as where giving you access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of other individuals. Worke will respond to your request to exercise these rights within a reasonable time and, where required by law or where we deem it otherwise appropriate and practicable to do so, we will honour your request.
  • Download/backup your form data. Depending on what subscription plan you have, Worke provides you with the ability to export, share and publish your form data in a variety of formats. This allows you to create your own backups or conduct offline data analysis.
  • Delete your form data. Deleting form data will not permanently delete form data immediately. As long as you maintain an account with Worke, we may retain your deleted data for a limited time but no longer than 30 days in the event you accidentally delete data and need to restore it (which you can request by contacting our team). To the extent permitted by law, Worke will permanently delete your data if you request to cancel your account. However, if your data was previously made available to the public through a public link, additional copies of your data may exist on an external website even after your account has been deleted.
  • Cancel your account. To cancel and delete your account, please contact  us. Deleting your account will cause all the form data in the account to be permanently deleted from our systems within a reasonable time period, as permitted by law, and will disable your access to any other services that require a Worke account. Worke will respond to any such request, and any appropriate request to access, correct, update or delete your personal information within the time period specified by law, if applicable, or without excessive delay. Worke will promptly fulfil requests to delete personal data unless the request is not technically feasible or such data is required to be retained by law, in which case Worke will block access to such data, if required by law.
For how long does Worke retain your data?

We generally retain your data for as long as you have an account with Worke, or to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, or enforce our agreements. Data that is deleted from our servers may remain as residual copies on offsite backup media for up to approximately one month afterward.

Form data deleted from within the account.

You can delete forms and data from within your account at any time. Form data that you delete from your account will be rendered inaccessible, but not permanently deleted, as permitted by law. Worke retains your data to allow you to restore data that has been deleted accidentally.

Worke will eventually permanently purge old, deleted data to reclaim storage space, so it cannot be guaranteed that Worke will be able to restore deleted data. The more recent the deletion, the more likely it will be able to be restored. Once deleted from your account, the data will be fully purged from our system within 30 days.

Worke generally does not use deleted form data for any purpose other than to give you the opportunity to restore it. Sometimes Worke may retain deleted data to comply with legal obligations, resolve disputes, or enforce our agreements. In these cases, Worke ensures that access to such data is blocked except for the purposes for which Worke has been required to retain the information.

Account deleted from within the account

You can request to delete your account and form data associated with it at any time. After you initiate the deletion of your account, the account is disabled immediately, but the account and form data will be held in our database for 30 days until our next regularly scheduled deletion cycle, at which point it will be permanently deleted. You can contact Worke within that time frame to request the account be restored. After the account is permanently deleted, Worke won't be able to restore it or the form data it contained.

User account in a team deleted by an Administrator

The Primary Admin or Admin of a team can delete a user account from a team at any time. This disables the user account immediately, but its form data will be held in a Worke database for 30 days before being deleted. The Primary Admin can contact Worke within this 30-day time frame to request the account be restored.

Security, cookies and other important information
Changes to this privacy policy.

Worke may modify this privacy policy at any time. Worke will notify you by publishing the changes on this website. If Worke determines the changes are material, you will be provided with additional, prominent notice as is appropriate under the circumstances, such as via email or in another conspicuous manner reasonably designed to notify you. If, after being informed of these changes, you do not cancel your subscription and continue to use Worke services beyond the advance-notice period, you will be considered as having expressly consented to the changes in the privacy policy. If you disagree with the terms of this privacy policy or any updated privacy policy, you may close your account at any time.

  • Security. Details about Worke’s security practices are available through our Security Statement. Worke is committed to handling your personal information and data with integrity and care. However, regardless of the security protections and precautions undertaken, there is always a risk that your personal data may be viewed and used by unauthorized third parties as a result of collecting and transmitting your data through the Internet. If you have any questions about the security of your personal information, contact our customer support.
  • Data locations. Worke servers are based in India, so your personal information will be hosted and processed by Worke in India. Your personal information may also be processed in, or transferred or disclosed to, countries in which Worke subsidiaries and offices are located and in which our service providers are located or have servers.
  • Cookie Notification. Worke and our partners use cookies and similar technologies on our websites. Cookies are small bits of data we store on the device you use to access our services so Worke can recognize repeat users. Each cookie expires after a certain period of time, depending on what we use it for. Worke uses cookies and similar technologies for several reasons.
  • To make the Worke website easier to use If you use the “Remember me” feature when you sign into your account, Worke may store your username in a cookie to make it quicker for you to sign in whenever you return to Worke
  • For security reasons.  Worke uses cookies to authenticate your identity, such as confirming whether you are currently logged into Worke.
  • To provide you with personalized content. Worke may store user preferences, such as your default language, in cookies to personalize the content you see. Worke also uses cookies to ensure that users can’t retake certain forms that they have already completed.
  • To improve our services. Worke uses cookies to measure your usage of our websites and track referral data, as well as to occasionally display different versions of content to you. This information helps Worke develop and improve our services and optimize the content Worke displays to users.
  • To advertise to you. Worke, or our service providers and other third parties we work with, may place cookies when you visit our website and other websites or when you open emails that are sent to you, in order to provide you with more tailored marketing content (about our services or other services), and to evaluate whether this content is useful or effective. For instance, Worke may evaluate which advertisements are clicked on most often, and whether those clicks lead users to make better use of our tools, features and services. Opting out in this way does not mean you will not receive any advertisements; it just means that you will not receive advertisements from such companies that have been tailored to you based on your activities and inferred preferences.
  • Google Analytics. In addition to the above, Worke has implemented on our websites and other services certain Google Analytics features that support Display Advertising, including re-targeting. Visitors to our websites may opt out of certain types of Google Analytics tracking, customize the Google Display Network ads by using the Google Ad Preferences Manager and learn more about how Google serves advertisements by viewing its Customer Ads Help Centre. If you do not wish to participate in Google Analytics, you may also download the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on.
  • Worke doesn’t believe cookies are sinister, but you can still choose to remove or disable cookies via your browser. Refer to your web browser’s configuration documentation to learn how to do this. Please note that doing this may adversely impact your ability to use our services. Enabling cookies ensures a smoother experience when using our websites. To manage flash cookies, Click here. By using our websites and agreeing to this privacy policy, you expressly consent to the use of cookies as described in this policy.
  • Online Tracking. Worke currently do not process or comply with any web browser’s “do not track” signal or other similar mechanism that indicates a request to disable online tracking of individual users who visit our websites or use our services, unless otherwise stated in a service-specific privacy statement.
  • Social Media Features. Worke websites may include social media features or widgets, such as the Facebook Like button. Use of these features may allow them to collect your IP address, detect which page you are visiting on our site, and set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the third party providing it.
  • Safety of Children and COPPA. Worke services are not intended for and may not permissibly be used by individuals under the age of 13. Worke does not knowingly collect personal data from persons under 13 or allow them to register. If it comes to our attention that Worke has collected personal data from such a person, Worke may delete this information without notice. If you have reason to believe that this has occurred, please contact customer support.
  • Consents. By clicking “I Agree” or any other button indicating your acceptance of this privacy policy, you expressly consent to the following:

  • You consent to the collection, use, disclosure and processing of your personal data in the manner described in this privacy policy, including our procedures relating to cookies, IP addresses and log files.
  • Worke servers are based in India, so your personal data will be primarily processed by Worke in India. You consent to the transfer and processing of your personal data in India by Worke and in the data locations identified in Section 5 by our various affiliates and service providers.
  • You consent and agree that Worke may transfer your data to data processors located in countries, including the United States, which do not have data protection laws that provide the same level of protection that exists in countries in India. Your consent is voluntary, and you may revoke your consent by opting out at any time. Please note that if you opt-out, we may no longer be able to provide you our services.
  • You consent to Worke sharing your personal data with relevant persons working for service providers who assist us to provide our services.
  • If you have enabled cookies on your web browser, you consent to our use of cookies as described in this privacy policy.

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please feel free to us at

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